08-11-2011 19:30; SisOp Lesson 7
09-11-2011 15:30; Aturan Tubes IPJ
18-11-2011 12:13; FEEDBACK PSD
Instalasi & Pengukuran Jaringan (BIR)
Organisasi Komputer (EDR)
quiz1 orkom.docx
quiz2 orkom.docx
Computer Organization and Architecture 6e by William Stallings.pdf <-- versi foto
Computer Organization and Architecture by William Stallings.pdf <-- edisi 8, versi teks
Computer Organization and Architecture by William Stallings.pdf <-- edisi 8, versi teks
Pengolahan Sinyal Digital (GLB)
tabel tz.doc
TUGAS - Soal Lat PSD1.docx
TUGAS - Soal Lat PSD2.docx
TUGAS - Soal Lat PSD3.docx
Sistem Komunikasi (TKA)
buku stalling yang di-slide kan:
Lesson 4 Thread, Concurrency, Deadlock Sem I 2011.pptx
Lesson 6 Virtual Memori Sem I 2011.pptx
Lesson 7 Penjadwalan.pptx
Praktikum SK II
Soal TP SisKom 1.pdf
Soal TP SisKom 2.pdf
Soal TP SisKom 3.pdf
Soal TP kedua SISKOM.rar
Soal TP Ketiga SisKom.rar
Soal TP PSD 1.pdf
Aturan TP Modul 3.rar <--PSD
Modul 1, 2, 3, 4 Praktikum Sistem Operasi.rar
Modul 1, 2, 3 Praktikum Sistem Komunikasi.pdf
Modul 1 Praktikum PSD.pdf
Modul II PSD.pdf
Modul III lab PSD.pdf
FEEDBACK PSD 2011.docx
PENGUMUMAN feddback PSD 2011.docx
Makasih Materinya.. keep blogging